Curogram Blog

Integrate Greenway With Curogram For Enhance Patient Service

Written by Paul Dumayac | 2/8/22 2:24 PM

The evolving demand patients have for safer remote healthcare and convenience is continuously encouraging medical providers to consider offering telemedicine and streamlined patient communication methods like 2-way texting. For medical practices with an electronic health record (EHR) or practice management system, such as Greenway Health, integrating telemedicine may appear to be complicated because the new functionalities suggest new infrastructure, training, and a hefty cost. That doesn’t have to be the case.

Integrating Greenway with Curogram, a leading telemedicine and patient engagement platform in the United States, gives medical practices a viable option to meet the modern patient population's demand while avoiding high costs, extensive training, and the installation of complicated software.

Why should you integrate Greenway with Curogram to get telemedicine and 2-way texting features?

Greenway’s web-based EHR and practice management software enables medical practices to give patients electronic prescriptions and manage billing needs. 

But, as virtual patient care becomes an essential tool in modern healthcare, Greenway must integrate with a telemedicine platform to provide remote patient care and communicate with patients regardless of distance. Patients don't have to travel to their healthcare provider for minor check-ups with telemedicine features.

Curogram integrates with Greenway’s patient database and schedule of record and makes it easier to admit patients and complete administrative tasks.

Curogram's state-of-the-art telemedicine features, such as 2-way texting and smart appointment reminders, eliminate redundant administrative work, meaning you can admit more patients and focus on providing them with the best care. The best part is that it doesn't take longer than 48 hours to integrate Curogram with Greenway and create a virtual clinic. 

What makes telemedicine solutions like Curogram worth integrating with Greenway? It's a question plenty of healthcare providers ask every day. The most straightforward answer is that integration provides countless benefits to healthcare providers and patients alike. 

Here are a few ways that telemedicine benefits healthcare providers:

Admit More Patients

Telemedicine solutions allow healthcare providers to minimize paperwork and administrative work. Since filling out paperwork makes up a large portion of your day-to-day tasks, reducing it leaves you more time to focus on patients. Increasing the number of patients you can admit increases your clinic's revenue. 

2-Way Texting Increases Patient Satisfaction and Retention 

With more convenient communication channels like HIPAA-compliant 2-way texting, patients don't have to call the office to schedule an appointment or reschedule and the staff can avoid phone calls too. Texting makes communicating with healthcare offices a simple task, and you can guarantee that patients will stay in contact more frequently because of the increase this communication method makes for patient satisfaction. 

Protect Staff and Patients From Illnesses

Healthcare providers come into contact with sick patients daily, and some may be contagious, such as with strep throat, the flu, or even a skin rash. If a patient can provide details of their symptoms and photographs of their condition via a virtual video visit, there's no reason to have them come into the clinic in person. With less exposure to potentially infectious patients, healthcare providers and other patients can feel safer at the office. 

Patients also get their fair share of benefits from using telemedicine. Some of the most notable include:

No Transportation Barriers To Reach a Physician

Patients don't always have to meet in person when their healthcare provider uses telemedicine solutions. They can pop in and out of a video call with their doctor without stepping foot outside of their home. Telemedicine is a godsend for many patients who struggle to find transportation to a healthcare provider or who live in a remote area where it’s difficult to find a specialist. 

Avoid Missing Work

If a patient has to travel to a doctor or specialist, they might have to lose out on work. Telemedicine solutions are appealing in this situation because, as long as they have a private area at work for the virtual visit, there’s no need to worry about a loss of income. 

They can also schedule the appointment at the best time during work hours, avoiding any conflicts. 

Improved Medical Care

Patients with chronic conditions might have to contact or follow up with their doctor more frequently. With telemedicine visits, there are no scheduling or transport issues. The patient can communicate with their practitioner as often as they need to and feel secure that they have the best medical care. 

Integrating Greenway with a telemedicine platform like Curogram brings more pros than cons to your medical practice. And it’s quick to set up!

Curogram enables 2-way texting and telemedicine within 48 hours. 

Integration with most telemedicine solutions tends to be a slow process that can take up to nine months to finalize. It involves the healthcare provider negotiating a contract with the telemedicine vendor, training employees, and hiring an IT expert before using the software. 

Curogram makes the integration process straightforward, and you don't need expert IT assistance. Curogram’s telemedicine software integrates with Greenway within 48 hours. You don't have to deal with any administrative tasks either. When integrating Curogram, you automatically enter into a Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) business associate agreement

Curogram doesn't require a complex installation. Instead of spending thousands of dollars on IT staff, you can complete the integration without paying a cent. 

Plus, there's no special training involved for Curogram. The user interface is simple, and your staff can start using it after a five-minute introduction, making use of all the benefits telemedicine and 2-way texting bring to a practice that uses Greenway. 

What do you get when integrating Greenway with Curogram’s telemedicine and 2-way texting software?

Integrating Curogram with Greenway gives your medical practice the following patient-centric features that benefit providers and patients: 

Curogram Creates Customized Appointment Reminders

Once you enable virtual appointments, you have to set up reminders in a way that allows a patient to prepare for their visit. If a patient's condition necessitates additional info, you can send them text reminders to provide documentation or photographs of visible symptoms before the appointment.

And should patients have common questions about their appointments, Curogram allows saving templated text responses, enabling you to quickly respond to these queries and increase patient engagement. You can even customize Curogram’s settings to route questions to qualified staff for answers.

Curogram Differentiates Appointment Types

You shouldn’t send patients the same text reminder for in-person and virtual visits. For example, a virtual visit doesn’t require much preparation time. You can set the text reminder to fifteen minutes before the scheduled time, and the patient won't miss their appointment. 

When it comes to in-person visits, the patient needs more time to prepare. Curogram differentiates between in-person and virtual appointments and sets reminders accordingly. For patients who have to visit the clinic, you can set up a text reminder the day before and the day of the appointment. 

There's no limit to the number of reminders you can send a patient. If you want to jog their memory multiple times at different intervals, you can do so with Curogram. 

Curogram Creates Customized Electronic Intake Forms

Most clinics still use paper forms to collect patient information. Transcribing these forms and entering the data into Greenway takes time, and can lead to errors. Your medical practice could better spend this time admitting and taking care of patients. 

Medical providers spend over two-thirds of their workday taking care of paperwork, much of which consists of patient intake forms. 

With Curogram, you can reduce the amount of paperwork by sending patients electronic intake forms. A patient fills out these forms on their phone or computer and sends them to the clinic. The data updates to your EHR automatically, saving staff from the effort of manual data entry. 

When you get rid of the dull administrative tasks, the medical staff has more time to work with patients. If you can admit more patients and provide them with adequate care, the clinic's revenue increases. 

Have a fantastic telemedicine and 2-way texting launch with Greenway and Curogram.

Undoubtedly, the combination of Greenway's EHR and practice management system and Curogram's robust telemedicine features and 2-way texting provide the most convenient remote healthcare to patients. Curogram's advanced integration technology eliminates the worries of pursuing telemedicine. And Curogram brings many benefits to providers and patients. 

Curogram uses state-of-the-art integration technology to provide telemedicine features to over 700 EHRs. So if your practice should decide to switch from Greenway in the future to an app-based, cloud-based, server-based, or web browser-based EHR, Curogram will integrate with it. 

To learn more about telemedicine and updates about state regulations for telemedicine, check out the Curogram Blog